The worlds first Hybrid Solar Cooker
An exciting breakthrough in solar cooker design is now incorporated in every BlazingTube system. Intermittent solar conditions in many regions have led to a new backup option for users of BlazingTube cookers worldwide. Essentially, a unique hybrid BlazingTube now permits users to employ the sun exclusively, or when weather is too cloudy, the ability to add heat energy from solid fuels simultaneously.
Overall, the BlazingTube solar cooking systems can function in three distinct modes,
(1) solar heat alone.
(2) hybrid operating with solar and wood heat simultaneously.
(3) wood backup alone. (In extreme multi-day rain episodes.)
Foods can be boiled, baked, steamed and fried throughout daylight hours, with operating temperature normally above 300°F/150°C. Hot serving temperatures above 160°F/72°C are maintained late into the evening hours, due to a well-insulated cook box.